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OW32::CSemaphore Member List

This is the complete list of members for OW32::CSemaphore, including all inherited members.

CSemaphore(LONG lMaximumCount, LONG lInitialCount=0, LPCTSTR lpszName=NULL, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecAttr=NULL)OW32::CSemaphore [inline]
CSemaphore(HANDLE hSemaphore)OW32::CSemaphore [inline]
CSyncObject()OW32::CSyncObject [inline, protected]
Lock(DWORD dwTimeout=INFINITE)OW32::CSemaphore [inline, virtual]
operator HANDLE() const OW32::CSemaphore [inline]
operator=(HANDLE hSemaphore)OW32::CSemaphore [inline]
Release(LONG lReleaseCount, LPLONG lPreviousCount=NULL)OW32::CSemaphore [inline]
Unlock()OW32::CSemaphore [inline, virtual]
~CSyncObject()=0OW32::CSyncObject [inline, protected, pure virtual]

Generated on Sun Jun 5 01:29:29 2005 for OW32 by  doxygen